The source tagging program ensures your merchandise is protected at the source and arrives floor-ready for sale. Source tagging helps to sell more and lose less, while enabling staff to better serve shoppers.
Source tagging helps retailers sell more and lose less, while enabling staff to better serve shoppers.
Backed by over 50 years of innovation and quality, Sensormatic developed a comprehensive portfolio of source tagging solutions that help protect some of the hardest to tag product categories including electronics, books, apparel, cosmetics, and more. With source tagging, items arrive to the store already protected with Sensormatic anti-theft sensors to help get them on the sales floor faster, enable secure open merchandising and increase throughput at the point-of-sale – all leading to a better customer experience. Sensormatic’s source tagging solutions span AM and RF technologies and can integrate seamlessly into existing supplier and retailer operations.

Increase sales
Source tagging enables the secure display of open merchandising, creating an enhanced retail experience for shoppers.
Reduce time and labour
Merchandise arrives sales floor ready and with no time required to apply tags for staff. This saves you additional expenses on the work of your employees.
Minimize shrink
Reduce theft in your store from internal sources, shoplifting and organized retail crimes groups.
Wide range of options
From perfumes to wines and spirits to high-end luxury apparel, Sensormatic source tagging solutions are versatile enough to protect a remarkably wide range of retail products. Our solutions are designed for operational efficiency and are particularly effective in discreetly protecting hard-to-tag products like nails, screws, saws, cosmetics, and other hard goods, all while maintaining the product and package design.
Working with manufacturers
Source tagging increases sales opportunities both for manufacturers and retailers, delivering a high return on investment by allowing for greater product revenue and more efficient and accurate inventory reordering. For manufacturers, it improves brand visibility and recognition and minimizes the impact on product packaging.